
hanging off CT in CT slip ram BOP for the night

26 November 2024

We are performing CT milling operations at 1660m on a fluid filled seismic monitoring well where the reservoir is decommissioned plus isolated with an cemented, unperforated tubing. For logistical reasons we are only performing dayshift ops. To use time effeciently, we would run in at the end of the shift and hang off the 2-3/8" coil in the slip rams, place the break on the reel, switch off the powerpack, and leave site. No well control is required, BOP is used for a) taking returns through the kill port and b) serve as a contingency in case repairs are required on the injectorhead.  The next day we do the reverse sequence and continue running in hole.

CT vendor is getting reluctant (although allowing this a month earlier during CT fishing ops on the same well) of using the slip rams for this event as they are learned  that BOP is only to be used in emergency situations only, i.e. suspension of operations due to bad weather; repairs to injectorhead; well control events etc.      

Anyone who can share do's or don't for using the CT slip rams for this purpose or knowing feedback from OEM's on this matter?

Looking forward for any feedback.

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