
Update on SPREAD : Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd

08 January 2012 SPREAD :
● membership now 1411, growing at ca. 1 per day
● Hits 98371; just under 230 a day
● 285 companies
.. If you like it, then TELL OTHERS .. we have seen that quality and activity is exponentially related to membership

Relentless Pursuit of Perfection (since last update) :
● contact :
● over 220 W'shops in the past 10 years

Since 21 Sept :
● 2 x Teambuilds in UK with Formula 1 theme (see picture)
● 3 x Deepwater DWOPs (Brunei, Falklands, UK) which covered rig start-ups and were attended by Govt authorities
● 2 x "Wanting performance is NOT the same as risk-taking" in UK
● 1 x standard DWOP (which DECC, Govt Authority in UK, wanted to see proof of as indication of the Oil Co due diligence)
● 2 x "Team Alignment and Enabling Environment" in Ghana.

January 2012 :
● "Wellsite Team Expectations, Goals & Enabling Environment" in PNG
● Teambuilding in UK with Performance/F1 theme
● 1 x HPHT DWOP in the UK
● 1 x Deepwater Campaign Project-Risk Assessment in Indonesia
● 1 x MPD x HPHT HAZID in Malaysia.

We are also establishing an academy.

So, don't miss out on access to a world-class service, that indeed pulls together world-wide knowledge.

What's stopping you ?
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