
Performance Norms

17 November 2012 Hi folks,

Here goes for opening a huge can of worms.  My company often gets involved in assisting teams with their After Action Reviews, which includes making comment on what's happened.

One of the challenges is knowing what the industry norms should be.  I'm aware of the Rushmore Benchmarking Reviews which give a most excellent high-level view of performance across the world, normalised as much as possible.

Not everyone has access to that (incl. little ol' me), nor contributes to it. Global databases like these are great for managers and engineers, but the 'level' that my company works at is more 'man on the brake' level. 

I have a few 'current and pressing' needs for information, so I'm listing them below. But I'm also curious to hear to hear your opinions about whether or not you think it would be possible/valuable to set up an auditable database that answers questions like : "how long should it take for a rig like this to conduct xxxx activity" ? .. to give a range and allow perforamnce to be ranked into the four quartiles.

Now for my list :
  1. What is the current average for a well total NPT as a %-age of total well time ?
  2. What are the maximum and minimum that each of you has seen recently?
  3. How would 26% compare to that ?
  4. What is the current average rig-repair NPT as a %-age of total well time ?
  5. What are the maximum and minimum that each of you has seen recently ?
  6. To what would you attribute the figure (success, failure) ?
  7. How would 23% compare to that ?
  8. What is the current average for non-rig NPT as a %-age of total well time ? 
  9. What are the maximum and minimum that each of you has seen recently ?
  10. To what would you attribute the figure (success, failure) ?
  11. How would 3% compare to that ?
  12. What links do you see between safety and operational performance ?
  13. What are you doing about it ?
Now for a few more, based on conversations over the last year or so :
  1. What "failures of casing floats" have you seen after cementing ?
  2. To what do you attribute it ?
Supply Chain Management
.. for the "Oil Companies" :
  1. Are Contracts & Procurement an internal contractor (supplier of services to the Drilling team; with the Delivery Team being the customer).. or a Corporate machine that lays down the law of what the Delivery team will end up with (forced upon the team against their better judgement) ?
  2. If there is a difference in opinion on how contracts will be let, and the Supply Chain team have the power to over-whelm the delivery team, then how is this managed and line of sight of accountability established ?
There's a lot there and its' potentially divisive.

When replying, please may you adhere to the guidelines below :
  • Use facts to support any opinions
  • Avoid names of companies when referring to 'bad examples'
  • No abstract references to situations that do contain useful information
  • No reference to papers that a 'normal' member would not have access to.
  • No advertising !
Thanks in advance

Dave Taylor

8 Answer(s)

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