
Seasons Greetings

24 December 2014 Dear friends and colleagues

We'd like to extend Seasons Greetings to our members who celebrate such events, both for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

For your families, on Thursday 25th December, may the only talk about Christmas Trees be of the pine-needled kind and the Fishing be about the mammoth salmon that a loved one landed and brought home to the table.

I hope that the current down-turn doesn't affect you too much and that you make use of any "quieter" time to assign resources to drive down well times (and costs), using the people resources at your disposal.

I can heartily recommend that you focus on developing an Enabling Environment in your workplace and that you drive out waste by rigorously applying the Technical Limit principles that have served the industry so well. Combining the Enabling Environment ("thinking about the human factor") with an aggressive focus on NPT and KILT (Known Invisible Lost Time) will produce astonishing results. They must go hand-on-hand. See attached notes (with acknowledgement to the original Technical Limit pioneers at Woodside)

All the best and thanks for all your support and kind words of encouragement over the past year.

Documents uploaded by user:

Living the Limit_Jan10.pdf

NPT and ILT definitions.pdf

Notes on Enabling Environment_November 2014.pdf

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