spot_img goes LARGE

31 May 2018 As many of you know, we purchased a few years ago.  It is the oldest oil & gas recruitment (web) site in the world, some 23 years old.

We have built on its reputation and retained all the original features, whilst adding a few more.

Please take a look at
  • To help colleagues back into work we are offering recruiters a 3-month free trial and s-l-o-w-l-y they sem to be taking us up on this offer. Please see the attached 'Media Pack' and pass on to your HR departments and those involved in recruiting.
  • We are also about to launch a Skills Pool service for adhoc technical services (that we will either manage or charge a finders fee), plus Associates and Associate-Company services
Our HPHT service continues to attract attention and we have recently finished an MPD support service contract, "Liner drilling with MPD and Continuous Circulation".

Contact to learn about Technical Services and for recruitment services.

Watch this space for further announcements.
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