Not your average COVID-19 update
08 May 2020The latest SPREAD members may not be aware that the owner and manager of this website is Dave Taylor, of Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd, rp² for short. (He also runs
A COVID-19 related update was recently posted on both the rp² and websites. With the double whammy of a global pandemic and an oil glut, an update from a company that you would think relies on face-to-face (F2F) events should be grim reading.
Well, Dave has delegated me to post an update here on SPREAD, because he's so busy with workshops, just like 2019, which was a record year.
The rp² team changed gears as the double crisis was unfolding, and started to work with clients to find a seamless and optimal alternative to the F2F sessions. Within a short time-frame, the global F2F model was transformed into virtual workshops; all thanks to modern technology and a bit of lateral thinking by the facilitation team.
With two decades of fine-tuned F2F workshops, embracing advanced technology was the natural thing to do. From some perspectives, a virtual workshop has benefits, such as the ability of global stakeholders, head office executives and wellsite personnel (either on the rig or from home) to quickly join a meeting. Other benefits include no visa issues or travel challenges, and in-demand specialists can jump on a call without leaving their current location. Fast forward a few weeks, rp² has just finished an extensive series of online sessions, a combination of webinars and breakout sessions, for the foremost global Well Management Contractor (Petrofac) and their Houston-based client.
The team at rp² have not turned their back on the traditional 475 x F2F sessions which the company has conducted in 58 countries for 260 wells teams.
We agree with a recent email from an existing client, for who we have done nearly 45 workshops in 21 countries:
"I am convinced that the main purpose of a well-on-paper exercise or a workshop is to allow the people involved in the operations to physically meet, to start to know each other, to discuss, to exchange and to learn from each in a working group or individually during a breakfast, a lunch or a drink. I doubt these objectives can be virtually met.
But where that is not possible for some of the reasons laid out above, this would be a very elegant solution."
Dave messaged this on LinkedIn:
"Output from the Petrofac v-AWOP was simply amazing; collaboration on a cloud-based App with the breakout groups trading post-it notes online was a sight to behold. The rp² wellsite Performance & HSE coaches will help with follow-up and close-out in preparation for the Well Abandonments.
We have now started the series for a v-WOP for a new client, in Norway. Then, a Technical Limit Style v-WOP for a client in the UK. We are also discussing v-AAR for yet another new client in Africa, then a v-DWOP for Exploration well in South America.
Repeat orders are already being discussed"
If you want to read the previous articles that go into more depth about leadership during crises, or the virtual workshops, here are the links:
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