
Virtual (Online) Workshops: Second Webinar: Time to suit Middle East through Aspac region

04 June 2020

Relentless Pursuit of Perfection (rp-squared) has developed a process for delivering engaging, interactive online workshops for well construction professionals.

We have now delivered various remote workshops and the outputs are if anything better than the traditional face to face meetings. People have joined the meetings from around the globe and from the wellsite too.

If you want to learn about best practices to ensure a virtual workshop is a truly collaborative event that adds value to the Well Delivery process then click on the link below to REGISTER to attend a short webinar on the subject. 

You’ll also learn how to avoid the pitfalls too!

Thursday 11th June
07:00hrs Gulf Std Time / 11:00 hrs WIB / 12:00 hrs Singapore, KL, Perth WA

Duration: 45 minutes with 30 minutes subsequent for those with Q&A

Waiting Room will open 15 minutes before that

Hosts: Dave Taylor and Warren Penner

Click here:

Please note:

  1. You can access this via web browser (no need to download to computer)
  2. We have previously run a webinar on 2nd June (3 pm UK time) and can run more if the demand is there.

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