
Stuck Pipe least we not forget

13 June 2020 Great set of stuck pipe slide from way back in 1992 that still remain quite pertinent.
That I discovered in archives while preparing for a new on line course under construction.

i.e. Managing Lost time 'MLT-LAW School (loss avoidance workshops)

Where we hope to start with
  • Practical loss control safety leadership
  • How to measure all loss/waste on your wells vs NPT that evidently fails by about 50% short in our reckoning.
  • Take all the old good stuff  i.e. 80's SPP training, TRUE training, simply update this for well types being drilled today.
  • Pack in numerous case studies. Integrate these using a 'Real time advisory system', where we shall physically replay actual loss time events. To highlight often 24-36hrs before when a more proactive approach to prevent vs reaction and cures that typically result could have resulted to avoid such lost /waste events.
  • Introduce a brilliant yet simple investigative method 'latent cause analysis' that will allow all on the rig to react immediately to learn from everything that go wrong daily, in well operations, at a mini mid or maxi level (without assigning blame).
  • How to translate and sustain learning in your organizations.  

Interested for more?.

Do you want your organization to widen their skills sets in all of the of the above to further guarantee wells delivery well at outcomes and benefits desired?

Please get in touch w.r.t e- virtual learning, in house, public, any time learning.
We can accommodate all in and format or learning package you require.

Enjoys the slides attached.


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