
Beyond Video-Conferencing: not just virtual (online), but now hybrid (F2F and virtual)

30 July 2020 Well, it's been an exceptional day here at rp-squared!

Our 'Beyond Video-Conferencing' delivery model has been steadily gaining traction and today we received approvals for:
  • 2 day virtual (online) CWOP for a client in Indonesia (offshore Dev)
  • 2 day virtual/hybrid MPD x HAZID-HAZOP for a client in Malaysia
  • 1 or 2 days virtual/hybrid DWOP for the same client in Malaysia
This is in addition to ongoing work to support the online start-up ("integration") of out-sourcing Well Intervention work on a platform. We are working for both the Operator and the chosen Business Partner: truly ONE TEAM!  Work includes a survey (compiled anonymously), selected one-to-one discussions; then Operational Readiness Review followed by Well-Intervention-on-Paper.

Overall event costs to clients are lower, and they are so many other benefits.

We can drag clients out the "turgid ditch" and GO BEYOND a VC platform (Zoom, MS Teams, Blue Jeans, Webex) and "Death by Powerpoint".

Interested? Pop me an email on
Documents uploaded by user:

Virtual High Level Intro-Rev08b-shrunk.pdf

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