Hybrid Workshops - SIMOPS Reviews - Welltest HAZID/HAZOP - DEA

14 June 2022

Dear all

I had a great 2-days' at last week's Drilling
Engineering Association meeting in Vienna. 

The theme was "DrillingTechnology and Lessons Learned to improve performance and reduce NPT".
There were 14 fascinating presentations, mainly on
planning tools, automation , digitalisation and technology. I was invited to contribute based on over 20 years running a performance consultancy that has delivered multiple coaching contracts and also over 560 workshops,. We are renowned for "Getting People Involved in Perfecting Things".

Case Histories included a Challenge Session that helped identify the 2.5 day well in a Factory Drilling onshore Asia-Pacific Region.
For those who have pigeon-holed us a 'just Drilling or just DWOPs', we have just finished our third SIMOPS Workshop (this time a hybrid; our 4th hybrid), also an online Well-Specific Risk Assessment (we've done 80 online workshops). We have recently facilitated a TWOP(Test Well on Paper) and then a well-test HAZOP, plus hundreds of non-DWOPs.
Don't hesitate to get in touch. dave@rp-squared.com

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