Additional measures to prevent unprofessional access to this site
18 September 2024Dear members,
For some reason, we have been receiving a lot of bogus applications to this site.
Main sources are: medical, occult, technical-authors.
This amounts to hundreds of people we need to delete/reject..
As a result we are upgrading the access-requirements for the site. First attempts have thinned things out, but we are still getting persistent spam.
Please bear with us next time that you need to access the site.
The added steps are there to prevent bogus users slipping through.
Meantime: We are contacting all members who have NOT used the site in over four years. If no reply, we are ending their membership. 150 so far this month.
There is NO NEED to contact us about this, unless you wish to withdraw your membership before we have contacted you.
1 Answer(s)
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Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator
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Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
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