Expectations Workshops (PNG)
31 January 2012 In early January, Dave Taylor spent a few days in the Highlands of PNG to facilitate 2 x Expectations workshops at High Arctic Rig 104. After a series of performance scene-setting discussions in the pre and post-tour meetings in the smoko shack, the rig was shut down for 2 hours per shift to lay out the work programme and then break into groups to discuss our expectations from each other : Rig crew from their Supv; Supv from their crew; Oil Co from Drilling Co & Service Co; Drilling Co from Oil Co & Service Co; Service Co from others .. oh, and so embarrassing of all, what we liked about each other.Too touchy-feely for you ? .. I just read (from Christine Lafarge, the new IMF leader) that it is sometimes necessary to "waste" time upfront to achieve consensus (and get the team motivated) than waste a lot more time later on when they are not.
Many people made the event(s) possible, but I would like to make special mention to both of the HSE Advisors at HAES, whose translation skills and enthusiasm helped engage the nationals : Jaeboy James and John Tumun .. tenkyu tru lads.
Folks .. it's never too late to make a difference.
Dave Taylor
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Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator
Managing Director (rp-squared.com)
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
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