rp-squared completes third DWOP in Kurdistan - recruiting another facilitator
12 January 2014 rp-squared is pleased to announce that it has completed it's third DWOP here in Erbil, Kurdistan; it is the second one for Repsol as they prepare to start drilling well Binari Serwan-1 with EDC-Romfor rig 24.2013 was a very busy year for our facilitation team, with almost 30 DWOPs, HAZOPs and Risk Assessments in 15 countries, bringing our tally to 276 since the company started. We are now hiring a third facilitator.
Our coaching teams in SE Asia and Europe continue to add value to client operations, sometimes in difficult circumstances and we have recently 100% naturalised our Indonesian wellsite coaching team.
We have also formally established a recruitment service, which you will hear about in the coming months; we won't be using this SPREAD Discussion Forum for that.
If you are interested (or just curious) about the rp-squared difference then please drop a line to us at sales@rp-squared.com
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Posted by

Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator
Managing Director (rp-squared.com)
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
Discussions: 227
Replies: 340
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