Announcing WOCRM Human Factors Training - Aberdeen - May 2016
03 March 2016Well Operations Crew Resource Management (WOCRM) has proven to be effective in addressing the human factors and lack of non-technical skills that can lead to major accidents in high risk industries and operations. Effective implementation of CRM can potentially reduce the risk of such events in other industries and IOGP Report 502 recommends its introduction into well operations.
WOCRM training provides the knowledge, skills and motivation to members of well-site Operations crew involved in safety critical operations to:”‹
- perform effectively in a team context
- recognise any deterioration in cognitive and interpersonal skills in themselves and others
- have the willingness, cognitive and interpersonal skills to both take action and to accept interventions from others in a timely and effective manner.
Our 3-day WOCRM introductory course "often referred to as Human Factors" provides a starting point for all Oil & Gas Well Professionals to adopt CRM as standard practice to reduce or even avoid the occurrence of major accidents.
Key Leaving objectives:
- Situation awareness
- Decision making
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Factors that impact human performance
Who should attend:
Training is for well operations personnel from oil and gas producing companies and also critical well operations personnel including drilling contractors, well intervention and well servicing companies, covering both wellsite and office based personnel.
To view the full list of Well operations roles that should undertake CRM training as recommended by IOGP see attached document 'Who should attend'.
When and where:
The course is open to all Operator & Contractor personnel and will be held in Aberdeen (venue TBA) on Tuesday 17th May - Thursday 19th May 2016.
Click to download full course outline
If you would like further details please contact
The course facilitator selected by IOGP to help produce Report 502 - Relentless Pursuit of Perfection in collaboration with Criticial Team Performance
If this course would benefit any of your colleagues or connections we would be grateful if you could share.
Documents uploaded by user:
3-day Human Factors Training Course.pdf
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Fiona Webster
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
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