
The Power of Three: Three UDW Workshops in a row

08 November 2017

Dear colleagues

It's very exciting to report recent activity


1.        Three weeks ago: DWOP in Gabon for a wildcat in 2668m of water

2.       Two weeks ago; MPD x HAZOP (PMCD, CBHP) in KL for a wildcat in 2835m of water , the deepest water depth in Malaysia. We are THE experts in DP x BTR x HAZOPs,

3.        Last week : Second in a three-series AAR in Aberdeen for a wildcat in 2232m of water; the deepest well in the North Atlantic.

Three separate operators, three of the best drilling contractors in the business

This week we will be notching up another 3 x DWOPs: Perth (Australia), Cairo (Egypt; land-well), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

So, what are you waiting for? Contact the most experienced Workshop facilitation company in the world.

And if you're fretting about how to implement Technical Limit PROPERLY, you need look no further.


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