
Cement excess to use when Drilling-with-Casing

22 March 2019 Dear all

As a further derivation of a previous thread (,
here's one to get your teeth into.

At a recent DWOP that we facilitated (our 438th Workshop!!), one of the groups was challenged to decide what cement excess to use for a 13⅜" casing (drilled with 17" OD drill-shoe).  It is required to get cement to seabed, because the HP wellhead housing will be installed on the top off this casing (swedged over).

The thread that I referred to above (6392) asks several questions, including how to determine excess to use when there is no caliper information available.

We do plan to pump a fluid caliper, but I'm left wondering what technology is out there and/or what empirical data you might have based on actual cement jobs conducted.

Many thanks


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