A competitor has been discovered claiming results that our coaches were principally responsible for
30 December 2019 We have had no choice but to go public: We have discovered that a non-UK competitor (based in the US) has been making false claims about their role in performance gains on a rig in the UK North Sea, that our coaches were instrumental in achieving.We have alerted their CEO to his bogus claims made by him at an industry conference.
This is the same person who threatened us with legal action when his coaches dared consider REACH-ing out to us for a better job.
Some aspects will be kept within our circle-of-trust, but we will be public with a few facts, especially if challenged by this company. And a few others have come forward (in confidence) that they suspect their work may have been claimed also. Interesting!
Starter for ten (see attached): 200% reduction in BOP running/pulling times is scientifically impossible. But, then again, why let get reality get in the way of outrageous claims. See attached/below
Next bit: My company's mantra is simple "There are those who like to talk about THEIR success. We prefer to help others be successful and let THEM talk about us".
Email me privately and I will happily share the facts.
I know some of you will be surprised that we seem to have "stooped this low", but I am sick and tired of taking the back seat when there are those who are not well-informed of what WE can do. And our experts sit on the bench instead of being out there helping.
We provide free services to the industry and end up in the shadow of those who make outrageous claims.
No more!
This issue went out on Linked-IN 24 hours ago and 4300 views and quite a few people asked for details privately. It is a global village we live in and me and my team are incredibly proud of the role we play in bringing out the best in others.
Documents uploaded by user:
93_Company Profile_Mission only.pdf
Screenshot 2019-12-31 at 01.33.02.jpg
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Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator
Managing Director (rp-squared.com)
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
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