
Beyond Video Conferencing: 554 workshops including 73 online

12 March 2022

It's been a while, and I'm sure that our hearts all go out to those caught up in the unnecessary war in Ukraine.

If we could distract you for a moment, and do a little bit of show-boating, that might tempt some of you to book an online demo.

We have now facilitated 73 online technical workshops, with up to 95 participants in some. 

DWOP, TWOP, CWOP, L(og)WOP, T(est)WOP, S(upply) WOP, SIMOPS-COMOPs, Well-Specific Risk Assessment, Ops Decision-Making, AAR, improvement-WOP, Readiness Review, HSE-event.

Our hybrid events include: DWOP, CWOP, HPHT Well Control Refresher.

Online events for clients with operations in: US GoM, Mexico, Morocco, Australia, Timor Leste, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Turkmenistan, Kurdistan, UK, Denmark, Norway, Gabon., East Med.

Some of the more exotic well activities include: Intercept Well on paper (crafting a tailored window to enter the target well at 3000m BRT in order to retrieve a completion), Geothermal Exploration Well, Gas Storage Well, first well in 10 years (and deepest ever) for a client in GoM.

Yes, sorry about the bragging, but I'm sure that clients might wade in and add comments. 

If you'd like an online demo, please contact me:

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114_Company Profile_Short version_12 Mar2022.pdf

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