Hybrid-TWOP summary: Soon Digital DWOP
11 April 2024Dear members.
As you all know, this site is funded by Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Limited (rp-squared).
rp-squared is proud that we continue to move with the times and offer a wide range of services, as part of a holistic Performance Package. Remember that Performance and Safety models are the same.
So please take a look at this Youtube video with exception client feedback from a recent hybrid TWOP. This includes unsolicited emails from the clients' Executive Vice Chairman plus County manger and the Drilling Business Partner's Rig Manager.
The options for technical facilitation include:
- Face to face
- Virtual
- Hybrid (mixture of 1 and 2)
- Blended: 1 then 2 or vide versa
- Digital: new approach pioneered with Shell
If you like what we do, please visit our LinkedIn sites and endorse us and/or respond to this thread.
Alternatively, contact us at: enquiries@rp-squared.com
TWOP video:
Kind regards
Documents uploaded by user:
Services only_05Apr2024pdf.pdf
1 Answer(s)
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Posted by

Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator
Managing Director (rp-squared.com)
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
Discussions: 227
Replies: 342
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